Friday, March 4, 2011

the day after hell

It must have been the longest night ever for Fay. The pain was so out of control. It's got to get better. Right? Early this morning radiology came in to get a chest xray. The tech was as bad as they came. She roughly pushed the film canister under Fay without any care for the incision or epidural. When Fay cried out in pain and asked her to stop, she told her she had a job to do and that she had to do it that way. Sometimes it makes me wonder why these people paid money to gain the education needed to do a job that obviously they are not suited for. We are hoping that today will be better. That Fay can get some rest. That mom can get some rest too! Thanks for your prayers and support.


gailsundean said...

I'm thinking about you all Julie and my heart goes out to everyone. I'm still praying. Love you! Gail

gailsundean said...

I've been thinking about you guys alot and you are definutely in our prayers (Mom's and mine. We love you, hang in there!
Cousin Gail

Joan said...

Julie, I think you need to give Fay her vitamins. And take some of yours while you're at it. Doctor Joan's orders.