Thursday, January 20, 2011


Last night Fay got a little more rest. Her doctor her in Rexburg was able to help her piggy back some of her drugs so that the affect of them will last longer. She is pretty much in bed all the time. She has a hard time holding food down. She is trying to be patient, but trust me, that is not her forte! Guess where she gets that from? Not me!!!!!!!

Please keep praying for her. You just can't understand the magnitude of that service. Feel free to add your comment to this blog, I will give them to Fay to read.

Everyone..............Have a good day!


Andrea said...

I can't imagine going through what Fay is going through, along with being pregnant and having a little one.
I hope Dr. Bull recognizes her pain and that she will be able to get the service she deserves soon.
Have fun being Grandma Julie!

Unknown said...

Our prayers are certainly with you and hope that Fay simply finds comfort until the doctors can help her more. Like Andrea said, I simply cannot imagine.
Prayers are about all that I can offer from this far away. Prayers are coming.
Love to you and Fay. Tell her she has a family here!

Gary & Tish said...

We hope the days pass quickly for Fay until the surgery---you can count on our prayers. Even our grandchildren are remembering Fay in their prayers. Love you all.

Joan said...

I love you Fay! You're one tough chica. And you can tell Dr. b.s. he can go to H-E double hockey sticks! Ok, now I have to go repent, but I feel much better now. We're praying for you and sending healing thoughts and positive energy your way.