Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fay, January 26

Fay had a rough night last night. We all hoped that the spinal block would help her control the pain she was feeling. During the night the pain increased to a point that it was no longer controllable or tolerable. Today they increased the strength of the block and also gave her Oxy-Cotton to get her through the rough times. Tonight she was experiencing some discomfort but was fine with it. Her surgery is tomorrow at 4:00pm Mountain time. I will post as often as I hear how she is doing. Remember she will be in ICU following surgery and then onto the Cardiac Unit when she is stable enough. Please keep her in your prayers. Those prayers have helped strengthen her as well as her family. Fay and Jared's wild little one told grandma (that's me) that I could go home now. Mommy didn't need me anymore!


JanaLee said...

We (MMH Groupies) are all prying for Fay any your family! Fay is a spiritual, outgoing and strong women! Hope that all goes well today and will be anxiously wait for updates! Thinking of you, Love Janalee

Celeste said...

Dan & I are fasting for her today...and now I'm resolved to make my fast last as long as possible today after reading your new post. Love you all more than you know!!

Anonymous said...

Fay- You came into my life 5 years ago as my absolute favorite nurse and how I loved your support! your an amazing woman and as I read of your struggles my heart is touched by who you are and what you stand for. We will be having a family fast for you know that we are thinking of you and praying for your fast and successful recovery.
Mama hang in there our prayers are with you too. You raised such an amazing woman.
Jesse, Heather, Landon, Kyran, Zade, Riya, and Tayla Mumm

Amber said...

haha, I think Chase just thinks that because his mom pretty much is Superwoman!

Love ya, Fay, hope this day will soon seem like a distant memory...Praying for your quick recovery!

*Amber Redd*

Terri Lindsay said...

I want to thank you for up dating us on how Fay is doing. Please keep the posts coming. I will be praying for Fay and your family. Fay is a wonderful person and has helped me out so much with my wield child, I hope everything is going well in surgery. Thank you again
Terri Lindsay